Friday, December 13, 2013

League City, Texas

December 8-12, 2013

Space Center RV Park

We went from a resort for "big rigs" to a resort with just enough room for the motorhome and car....if you take off the mirrors on the motorhome and the bikes off the back of the car.  I really must learn not to book parks in the city....they are just too cramped for space!!  Good news...we're located right next to a Cracker Barrel; Bad news...we're located right next to a Cracker Barrel.  Anyway, I spent so much time looking at campgrounds online trying to find the one that fits our needs and you always either come up short or you have found the best place ever!  Those are the chances you take, but it's always an adventure!!

However, we haven't spent much time at the campground and it really has been too cold to sit outside for our evening glass of wine, so we will be okay.  We stopped here with three goals in mind:  visit Johnson Space Center, Kemah Boardwalk and to say hello to Grangra Dianne's sister, Valerie.  We managed the first two, but ran out of time for the third....I did manage to leave Valerie a quick message asking for a do-over should we get back to this area or when she comes up to the Cape for a warm visit in the summer.

First, the Johnson Space Center:  I'm sorry to say a place I wasn't really excited about; I thought anything they might say would go right over my head....too much technicality.  I was SO WRONG! 

Our first day was rainy and cold (very much like New England....yet maybe even colder).  Turned out to be great for us as they had availability for the Level 9 Tour.  Not a cheap (I suppose I should be correct and say "inexpensive") tour ($90; however, that included your admittance fee, another day at the Center; and lunch in the NASA cafeteria with astronauts, scientists, engineers and other employees), and one you should make reservations for in advance.  This turned out to be the BEST tour I have ever taken...I was in awe through the whole thing.

This tour accommodates 12 people once a day....visits places other tours don't go to.  You even wear a VIP tag!!

First stop:  NBL...the Sonny Carter Training Facility, Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.  This facility is located off the Johnson Space Center campus....they were able to purchase a bigger pool off-campus!  We actually got to watch Astronaut Scott Kelly (Mark Kelly's -- Gabby Gifford's husband -- twin brother) as he was training for his next mission which is a one-year stay in a gravity-free preparation for a trip to a manned expedition to Mars. 

Next stop:  Building 9 (all buildings at Johnson Space Center are numbered, yet not in numerical/historic order).  Here we saw the wave of present and future exploration of space.  We were kept in tight control; and can now see why this tour is only allowed for 14 years and older.

This is Charlotte (appropriate??) for Charlotte's Webb....will go into space as an explorer robot.
Future Rover
This is the future:  Orion - going to Mars

And then....MISSION CONTROL...

First, the present day Mission Control...we sat there and watched the ISS (International Space Station) being controlled as we watched.  The ISS is totally controlled from this spot...WOW.  Great presentation on each station and what they were doing at that moment!

Then, the "old" Mission Control....the one we've all seen in the movies (especially "Apollo 13" with Tom Hanks).  We sat in the seats of those controlling that mission....our tour guide, Gabe, was so great....had us all "in the moment" and actually brought the goose bumps and slight tears to the eyes....  Well, sorry, this was truly a wonderful experience; especially since it happened in my lifetime.
The inscription says, “This mirror, flown on the Aquarius, LM-7, to the moon, April 11-17 1970, Returned by a greatful Apollo 13 crew to “reflect the image” of the people in mission control who got us back!”  Yes, it says “greatful” and not grateful. Oh well.
This flag was the flag that was placed on the moon for two landings of the Apollo.

Last stop:  the largest rocket of its time, the Saturn Rocket. Long's don't show it all.

Day 2 we had some sunshine and visited Kemah Boardwalk, home to restaurants, a fabulous amusement park and, small retail shops.  Kemah is an Indian word meaning "wind in the face" and that's exactly what it was.  The sun was shining, but the temperature was unseasonably cold, meaning low tourist trade and many closed shops.  But it was a nice "walk-thru" nonetheless; and we did enjoy that warm sun on the face!!

Day 3 we returned to the Space Center....I can't recommend this place enough.  We spent another four hours watching IMAX presentations, live presentations and other exhibits.  I have to say, I never expected I would enjoy this venue as much as I did.  Highly recommend this....especially the Level 9 Tour!!!

Heading to Galveston (Island).....always looking forward!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

The kids loved this blog! Ryan said he learned about the Orien in school, Brody recognized Mission Control from Appolo 13, and the loved the "Charlotte"!! Keep the blogs coming! Have fun!! We love you!!!