Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gulf Shores State Park, Gulf Shores, Alabama

April 5 - 19, 2008

Here we are at week two of our stay at Gulf Shores State Park. The weather hasn't been the warmest so we've been spending our time with some more "sightseeing". We visited the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola. There were some great exhibits and a "Top Gun Air Combat Simulator Center".

After a few minutes of training, Ken played pilot and I played co-pilot. I was really wishing that Bob was with us to play co-pilot. I did shoot a couple of missles while Ken had us crashing into the ocean when trying to "land" on the aircraft carrier. All in all, he did a good job. See, those Wii games really pay off! (Speaking of Wii games: Look out, Jake...I'm practicing golf and bowling!!)

Back to the Museum...they also had an IMAX theater where we saw two shows about (what else?) flying. My favorite exhibit was "Hometown USA" with exhibits of a home, store and general lifestyles during WWII.

We took a day trip to Mobile, via Loxley where my mother was born. My cousin tells me the farm where my mom, her brother and sister grew up is probably "no more". We then found the cemetery in Mobile (Mobile Memorial Gardens) where my grandmother and grandfather are buried.

I haven't been in this part of the country since I was five years old, yet, after visiting Loxley and Mobile, I do feel I have roots here.

On the way back to Gulf Shores, we stopped to visit the battleship USS Alabama and the submarine USS Drum (which could really use some TLC on the outside).

Again, Ken enjoys all the "guns and bombs" and I enjoy seeing the living quarters and recreation areas of the ship. Do you think that's a "male/female" thing??

The USS Alabama is 680 feet long and 108 feet wide. Her assigned crew was 127 officers and 2,205 enlisted men. She had nine Pacific campaigns during WWII and shot down 22 enemy airplanes (which really doesn't sound like a lot when they had all those guns). The USS Drum is 312 feet long and 27 feet wide. She had 7 officers and 65 enlisted men (I have no idea where they put all those men). She served 12 campaigns during WWII.

There were many pictures displayed of the Battleship Memorial Park after Hurricane Katrina. This area has suffered a lot from the effects of these hurricanes. Now I know why our home insurance rates on the Cape are so's to pay for the restoration of the south!! We are really lucky though that hurricanes aren't the "norm" as it is here.

Another restaurant review: We have found that we don't go out to eat as much as we used to. Part of the reason is 8 out of 10 times we are disappointed in the food or service. So, when we do find a place we like, we will let you know. Lambert's Cafe, located in Gulf Shores, Alabama, is a "Cracker Barrel"-type atmosphere; however, the food is 100% better and it's fun to see what they're coming around with next. I ordered meatloaf and it came with REAL mashed potatoes. Ken had a giant salad. Lambert's is known as the home of the "throwed roll" and they actually do throw your dinner rolls at you!! In addition to your meal, they come around with giant bowls of fried okra (delicious), fried potatoes and onions, black-eyed peas and macaroni and cheese with tomato. Oh yeah, and your drink (non-alcoholic, of course) comes in a giant 32-ounce mug! Our thoughts immediately went to Lenny and how much he would love this place!!

I need to tell you a little bit about Barney's routine:

Barney has fit into the motorcoach-way-of-life nicely. He gets up in the morning with Ken who feeds him and takes him out. He then comes back in and joins me in bed, giving me a little "lick" to let me know he is there. Usually at this time Ken will take his walk and one morning when Barney "woke me up" he had "coffee-breath". It seems whenever Ken leaves his coffee cup on the table, Barney will finish it off for him. Another quirk is when Ken is finished with his lap top and puts his hand on the cover to close it, Barney will leave wherever he is and actually "talk" to Ken, letting him know it's time to play with him. He likes to look out the window to see people passing by. He rarely barks and is getting quite good at sticking around the campsite so we can take him out without his leash.
Well, I have become quite chatty this past trip. I apologize to those of you I have put to sleep. We'll leave here Saturday morning for a two-day trip to South Carolina where I have found a couple of great golf courses with reasonable greens fees. Looking forward to beginning our trip north to family and friends!


Jodie said...

Cool Ships! Mom, your hair is getting so long!!! It looks great!! Can't wait to see you in NH!!! Love you!!

Wally said...

Barney with coffe-breath! That is so cute!