Monday, March 9, 2009

Grand Canyon, Arizona

March 8 - 10, 2009

Grand Canyon Railway RV Park
Williams, Arizona

I know one full day is not enough to see such a magnificent sight, but this is also not the time of year to be here either. We are in Williams which is 7000 feet elevation. It's cold and there is still snow on the ground. Cousin Marilyn warned us there was a lot of wind here. Last night I thought we might actually take off in the wind. Before we left Cottonwood, I had let all the air out of the sleep number mattress. By the time we got here, it had inflated to almost 100%. I wonder if it would have "burst" had I not drained it to begin with. Then last night I went to use my refresh eye drops and it "burst" when I opened it. Elevation can do some funny things. I wonder what else we might find.

After arriving here we took a quick ride down historic Route 66 in Williams. It wasn't all that impressive, but we can now say we did travel the highway.

We are doing a "package" deal here in Williams with 2 nights' stay at the RV Park, first class tickets on the Grand Canyon Railway for a two and a quarter hour ride to the Canyon rim, hot lunch, bus tour with stops at three vistas and train trip back.

Let's begin:

We woke up to heavy clouds and howling wind. By the time we got over to the train depot for the "gunfight" show, snow showers had begun!!! We stood in the snow and wind and finally decided it just wasn't worth it...we had seen gunfights before...let's head for the train.

We boarded the train and had a comfortable 65-mile ride to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. We had a great personal service attendant (PSA - similar to flight attendants) in our car (the "Arizona") who relayed necessary information and served a mean Bloody Mary.

Remember we were at an elevation of 7,000 feet. It is very difficult to exert yourself at all without feeling totally out of breath. All walking and any climbing had to be done at a slower pace.

Upon arrival we headed to the tour busses lined up and waiting to take us to a couple of viewing points. I don't think I have to say anything about the Grand Canyon...the slide show speaks for itself!

After a hot lunch at the Maswik Lodge we got back on the train for the trip home. On this trip we saw a "range where the deer and the antelope play" (we actually did see the deer and antelope), "where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies were 'mostly cloudy' all day."

We had upgraded our car for the return trip and found it much more comfortable. We were in the Parlor Car which didn't look like your normal row of seats. Outside the rear car is an open-air platform allowing for all those great snapshots.

And, of course, there are the inevitable shows, meant to be entertaining. We had the train robbers (who looked exactly like the gunfighters of that morning in the snow)...

and the singing cowboy...

And, our PSA, Jack, who came to the Grand Canyon Railway four years ago from Harwichport on Cape Cod!!!

All in all it was a fabulous day seeing some fabulous sights. The calming rumble of the train ride was very relaxing. The magnificent views were something that will definitely bring us back.
We'll be heading for Holbrook, Arizona tomorrow and we're hoping to see Meteor Crater, the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest. The weather forecast is for temperatures in the high 50's and low 60's and we could use the's amazing how our blood has thinned these past few months!

1 comment:

Jodie said...

I know I have said this before, but these pictures of the Grand Canyon look like they could be professionals!!! Amazing!!!! Love you guys and can'twait to read more!