Friday, March 27, 2009

On the Road Again! Albuquerque - Nashville

April 24 - 27, 2009

On the Road, USA
Albuquerque, NM - Amarillo, TX -
Henryetta, OK - West Memphis, AR - Nashville, TN

We left Albuquerque and traveled east on The 40 through New Mexico and the panhandle of Texas. We saw more desert and high plains and more high plains and more high plains. Not an exciting trip...a lot of what we had seen before.

We arrived at our destination just past Amarillo and found a "self-serve sign up" into our overnight campsight. Not too bad for $11 but certainly not what we had become used to. Those cows in the adjoining meadow didn't look too happy to have us there! And, then, of course we had the jets overhead as we were right in their landing pattern!

Left the next day to travel another over-300 mile day to land in Henryetta, Oklahoma. Well, this spot made last night's stay look like a 5-star resort. How we slept with the railroad tracks almost adjacent to our site and the highway bridge with the semis going over that bridge that made the whole campground shake....I'll never know!! But again, short money makes you not expect a whole lot.

Day three was overcast but good traveling...not too much traffic and halfway decent roads. We made our 300 miles and Ken felt he could go further so we continued on to a campground recommended many, many months ago by Bev and Marv Bolland, Tom Sawyer RV Park located on the Mississipee River in West Memphis, Arkansas. After traveling all day under overcast, cloudy skies, we arrived to warm, blue skies;

grabbed our chairs and glasses of wine and headed for the riverside; sat there for over an hour to watch the barges going upriver to destinations unknown (to us).

The last time we saw the Mississippi we were with Suzie and Wayne in Minneapolis. Brought back good memories!!

Even got to watch a glider flying over the area.

One of the greatest things is being in the coach listening to the rain on the roof. But, this time I woke up to the hardest, loudest rain I had ever heard.

Many, many large puddles the next morning; sun shining brightly on the rain-soaked highway made for tough visibility and the higher Tennessee gas prices hurt the pocketbook. Looking forward to arriving in Nashville to spend a couple of days sightseeing and vegging out!

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