Monday, March 15, 2010

Polk City, Florida

March 14 - 16, 2010

Bay Lake RV Resort
Polk City, Florida

Quick stop to hear the sales spiel for rv lots here at Bay Lake RV Resort. There are 260 lots here and only 9 have sold. All the infrastructure and amenities have been completed, but the rest is barren. Even though the prices right now are good, I wonder how long it will take to have 100% occupancy in today's economy. Also, just not sure this is where I want to have a lot. Will have to put a few sleeps on it.

The wind the last couple of days has been really roaring, making us feel at times that we're on a cruise, rocking on rough seas. I think hurricane flags are called for.

Speaking of wind, Jen and Chris had a tree fall on their deck during the recent nor'easters on the Cape, scraping the roof of the family room and destroying their kitchen door. Thankfully no one was hurt, just a little stunned by the sound of a tree hitting the house.

Since I really have no travel news, I'll give you a couple of recent pictures showing the progress on the house.

We'll leave tomorrow and head back to Thousand Trails - Orlando. I'll be flying home Thursday to hopefully meet my new granddaughter. I'm getting very excited (maybe not as excited as Peter and Lindsay, though). Next blog will catch us all up on the family. Till then.......

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