Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Again

Mashpee, MA

No pictures this time...reading the last blog, I realized I needed some closure, or semi-closure anyway...

The trip home was almost the trip from hell. First night was okay. Second night we stopped at a Walmart (can't remember where it was now...two months later) but we camped next to a homeless person who, at least in my opinion, kept watching the motor home licking his lips and watching our movements (what else would you expect from someone walking around in a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up and those dark, suspicious looking eyes?). He kept walking back and forth next to us..walked through the parking lot. Okay, I'm not comfortable...time to leave.

So, just before nightfall, we started the motor and off we went. I do remember we were near Washington DC...not the greatest place to spend the night or start the next day. Anyway...poor Ken!! Not only were we driving in the dark; there was a whole lot of construction and shifting lanes not really well marked and hard enough in a car, never mind a motor home!!

All I remember from that point is miles and miles of road...yet, we made it home! Yay, Ken!!!

Now here we are at Scusset State Park; after three weeks in Sarah's driveway, four weeks at Peter's Pond RV Resort and a week and a half here in Bourne; and mega progress on the new home. I've had a chance to "reconnect" with my grandkids...probably the BEST part or this whole new adventure; they remember me now...and, I have to say, they "love me" now. That's what it's all about!!!!

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