Sunday, November 7, 2010

North Myrtle Beach, SC

November 4-8, 2010

Willow Tree RV Resort
Longs, South Carolina

I just love this park...I know I've said it before, but it's clean, long, wide, paved and well manicured lots and great facilities keep us coming back. The mile-long walk around the lake calls you to get out there and walk!  And, of course, you can have campfires at night:)))  I guess I'll just have to get used to having to drive a distance to get anywhere!! 

We attended the La Belle Amie Vineyard Island Fever Music Fest (here we are going to vineyards again)!!  The Vineyard hosts many festivals throughout the year.
The vineyard is part of a former tobacco plantation that has been owned by the Bellamy family since the 1800's. La Belle Amie, meaning "the beautiful friend", is the European origin of the family name.

What could be better?  A little sunshine, a bottle of wine (a vintage 2010 bottle of Twisted Sisters wine called "Poor Bastard") and good music!  The second band, The Paul Grimshaw Band, was very, very good. 
By the time they came on, we were sitting in the back trying to get the last of the sunshine and decided to join the dancers in front of the band.  I know the picture isn't very good, but that guy in the middle looks like a heavier Mark Bucell.  Mark, you would have made a great musician!!  Lot of fun and found out the band would be back later this month at "WineStock".  If the weather is good, we hope to return for some 60's and 70's reminiscing!!!
One of the downsides of traveling (can't believe I even said "downside" and "travel" in the same sentence!) is that your "local" football team is not the local's "local" team.  So, off we went on Sunday to the nearest sports bar to watch the Patriots game on the big screen!  Have to admit, this can be a lot of fun when you're surrounded by many fans of many teams and watching the different reactions!  On the other hand, when your team plays as awful as the Pats did today, it can be frustrating hearing all the other fans having fun while their team is winning!  Oh well, as they say, "You can't win 'em all."

We pack up for another move in the morning...we'll be joining Susan and Bob at Lakewood Camping Resort in South Myrtle Beach where we'll stay through the month.  Looking forward to seeing them again "on the road"...we seem to get a lot more "visiting" in when we're not at home!!!

See you at the beach!

1 comment:

Wally said...

Sounds like fun! If only we were in the same territory. Enjoy!