Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Moore Haven (Lake Okeechobee), Florida

January 15 - 22, 2007

Arrived to windy, cloudy weather. Believe it or not, we're still with Marilyn and Greg for a couple of days. Must be some cosmic thing that keeps us booking the same stops!!

Spent a couple of days driving (and driving) around and exploring. Saw a lot of sugar fields, orange orchards and cattle grazing on very, very flat land. It's so flat here you feel like you're always looking up. The ruralness reminded me a lot of South Dakota. The only difference was every once in awhile you would see a bunch of palm trees in the middle of a field!!

Lake Okeechobee, locally referred to as Lake O or The Big Lake, is the second-largest freshwater lake wholly within the continental United States, second only to Lake Michigan and the largest in the southern United States. Okeechobee covers 730 square miles and is relatively shallow, with an average depth of only 9 feet. The name comes from the Hitchiti Indian words "oki" (water) and "chubi" (big), and literally means "big water". The surface is above sea level, and the lake is enclosed by a 20-foot high dike built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (not my dad!) after a huricane in 1928 breached the old dike, flooding the surrounding area and claiming thousands of lives. Locks are used to allow boats in and out and the dike and dams are used to control the water level. However, due to the recent years of draught, the lake is very low and looks more like a river. After three days of driving around the dike, we found this fishing peir and far off in the background is the rest of the lake.

As you can see, Ken has stopped shaving. I think it looks pretty good. What do you think???

We're leaving here today (not soon enough for me--it's a little too rural here for my taste). We haven't had great weather. I'm tired of temperatures in the upper 60's. Time to move further south.

We're headed for Collier-Seminole State Park in the everglades. Hope to see a lot of alligators!!

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