Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

May 8 - 31, 2008

WHEW!!! We parked the Beave at Peter's Pond the first week on the Cape, but with Jen's wedding and my babysitting for Jake, Ryan and Brody, I was never there. We then moved over to Scusset and with everything going on, it was a place to lay our head only. We never spent much time there. We almost need this upcoming trip to rest!! (Note the T-Bird made the picture this trip---what fun I had driving it again!)

Our first order of business was of course getting over to see the grandkids. Somehow we managed to see them all on day one (wouldn't have it any other way!!) We picked up Jake off the school bus and he walked right by me...didn't recognize me with longer hair.

We then started with the festivities:

Since Chris had to work, we had a family dinner Friday night at Coonamessett Inn. After a fabulous dinner with childhood stories and memories, we continued on to visit Chris at Liam's and then on to BBC for some dancing to the music! We woke up Saturday morning to rain and windy, cold weather...not the best weather for a wedding on the beach. But shortly before the ceremony began, the sun came out to shine on and bless Chris and Jen on their wedding day. It was still windy and cold, but no one seemed to mind.

We took a trip to Hopedale and had a barbecue at the Farrer's. We had a great visit with Sandra and Michael, Regina and Mark, Kelley and Jack and Susan and Jim. After just a short while it felt like we had never left. I guess that's what it's like to have great friends like these. We're even talking about a Mediterranean Cruise in five years!!
Another celebration was Lindsay's baby shower. Daughter #3 is due to arrive June 18th while we're on the road. With fuel prices like they are and airlines cancelling flights, I hope I can find a flight to return to see our new granddaughter before she gets too old!!

The day was bittersweet though as we had to say goodbye to Jodie and Zander. She is really getting the hang of motherhood and he, of course, is as cute as can be.

While I was babysitting, Peter had Ken working on a simple appraisal that would, in the past, have taken him two days to complete. This time it took him six...partly because he kept procrastinating and partly because he forgot what he was doing. He has decided though that he has no desire to go back to work and will continue in the retirement mode though he did enjoy working side-by-side with Peter again.
The day of the shower Ken, Peter and Jake took the kayaks out on Santuit Pond in Mashpee. They ventured over to an area home to all sorts of wildlife including numerous turtles. Peter, forgetting he was 31 years old, put his paddle in the water to flip a turtle and declared "Hey guys, watch this!" However, the turtle didn't flip, but Peter did!! Coming out of the water covered in slime he was quite "perplexed" at his situation and couldn't wait to get back in the kayak. With a superhuman leap, he jumped in only to find the kayak was filled with the same slime he had just left. Jake kept repeating "Can we go home now?" as Peter's shrieks were making him nervous. Needless to say, if Ken had a video camera that day, we would be $100,000 richer after winning the grand prize on America's Funniest Home Videos!! A day the three of them will never forget.
We spent one last day with Peter and Lindsay, Chris and Jen, Sarah and the kids.

We've been on the road now for four days and I really miss this crew! I have been blessed with a wonderful family!
By the way, thank you Bev for our going-away brunch. We had a wonderful time visiting!
And Peter, Dad had a great time at the golf tournament with you. Thanks for the early birthday present.

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