Saturday, February 20, 2010

Long Key, Florida

February 15 - 21, 2010

Fiesta Key RV Resort
Long Key, Florida

Day One: WOW! This is it! This is why we came to the Keys! What a beautiful day. It's only in the high 60's, but the sun is shining and there is little to no wind.

So, as soon as we got here, we unloaded the kayaks and took off on a leisurely yak in the bay in front of the Beave. We're so close to where we enter the bay, we're able to leave the kayaks right there rather than putting them back on the car each time.

By the way, when I mention "bay" it means Florida Bay. Once you're in the Middle Keys, it's no longer the Gulf of Mexico, and, of course, the Atlantic Ocean is to the south. However, everything in the Keys is measured, as I said, by the mile marker, followed by "bayside" or "oceanside".

We spent the rest of the afternoon reading and soaking up the sun. Had a wonderful meal that we actually ate outside without it blowing away; and after checking out the sunset, sat outside for our glass of wine.

Funny thing happened while we were out there...many miles across the water we saw a bright "flash" and then all the electricity went out in the park. I'm sure it was a transformer or something, but after watching all those TV shows we were sure we were having a "flash forward". Everything soon came back on and we're all safe!

After passing it a couple of times on our back-and-forth trips on Route 1, we finally had a chance to visit Theater of the Sea at mile marker 84.5, a marine animal park where everything is up close and personal. They do offer swim with the dolphins and swim with the sea lions programs but today's temperatures prohibited me from entering the water...not that I would have anyway, but it's a good excuse!

After a 5-minute boat ride with the dolphins, Sherman and Twister, we went to the Parrott Show where we met Larry (Bird) and Clover, two very intelligent macaws. Clover showed us how to place the color-shaped form into it's correct hole and Larry showed us he could not only count but add too. Parrots can live a very long life... Winston Churchill's macaw is still alive and next month will be 110!

Next stop was the dolphin show where we again met up with Sherman and Twister. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face...these are magnificent, intelligent animals that absolutely amaze me! We saw twists and jumps, talking and kissing...just made me want to take them home!

Last stop was the sea lion show. Sea lions are characterized by the presence of external ear flaps, long front flippers and the ability to walk on all four flippers when on land.

Enjoy some of our sights at Theater of the Sea:

We spent another few days stuck inside with some cold, windy, cloudy weather. We finally had a great forecast for Saturday and made plans to meet Susan and Bob in Marathon to take the ferry ride and visit Pigeon Key. They, however, got caught in traffic due to an accident, and couldn't make the last ferry out for the day. The Keys have one road, Route 1, going 100 miles from Key Largo to Key West. If you run into an accident or anything else that might hold up traffic, you have no choice but to wait...there is no alternative route.

We finally got together at Crane Point Museum and Nature Center, also in Marathon. Crane Point was purchased in 1989 by the Florida Keys Land and Sea Trust, saving this 63-acre ecological and cultural treasure from being developed into private homes and shopping malls. Crane Point offers a view of the Keys as it looked in the days of the Indians and the first Bahamian settlers as preserves the worlds last remaining thatch palm hammocks and the rare and endangered species it contains.

We met up with a very friendly and daring racoon...

and saw a Key Deer (we had heard so much about this endangered species but had never seen one--of course not, there is a reason they're called "endangered"). Anyway, we didn't see one this time either...only the stuffed kind.

The Keys are known for their sunsets. We've tried to share with you a few of our favorites.

Now, as you all know, we're building a home on the Cape, so I thought I would give you a couple of pictures to show you the progress that's taking place while we're away...wish we could be there to see it go up, but we've left all those headaches to Peter to handle for us. Can't wait to see how far it's gone when I fly home in March to meet our new granddaughter!!
Here's the foundation and shows what will be the view of the pond at the rear of the house.
And, here's what we look like on February 18th. Boy, that's gonna be a high cathedral ceiling!!
We travel tomorrow about 10 miles west to Jolly Roger Travel Park where we stay for a couple of nights before our 3-night stay at Long Key State Park. We'll meet up with Suzie and Wayne on Monday or Tuesday...can't wait.

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