March 29 - April 2, 2014
We experienced our first dust storm...watching the dust swirl all over the place and feeling the wind gusts almost pick up the coach with definite rocking and rolling throughout the day. We stayed put and kept the windows closed!
Monday we made our long awaited return to Canyon DeChelly. We had done the south rim self-tour last visit and were so impressed by the views. This time we booked a jeep tour to check out the bottom of the canyon.
The hieroglyphics were interesting. Here we see a snake, Kokopeli, a frog, and the positive hand and the negative hand (representing the living and the dead).
This was totally a wonderful experience; however, both Ken and I think the south "Rim" cruise for $0 was so much more incredible than the $150 "Canyon" cruise; but would never want to sacrifice one for the other...we have so loved Canyon or bottom; it can't be beat!
This was another windy day....we just didn't feel it being at the bottom of the canyon. Not quite as bad as the day before, but you could see the whirlwind dust occasionally.
Next stop was the Teepees, layers of blues, purples and grays created by iron, carbon, manganese and other minerals that stand in cone shapes along the route.
Last came the many vistas of the Painted Desert. The desert is composed of layers of siltstone, mudstone and shale. These rock layers contain iron and manganese compounds which provide the pigments for the various colors.
The colors seemed more dramatic to us this trip. Our first trip, we probably didn't reach the desert until later in the day; even with the wind and dust in the area. It's so great to revisit these areas and realize they can excite you even the second time around.
Leaving Holbrook...our next vista will be the Grand Canyon.
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